Fall Picnic 2024

and Outdoor Church

Sponsored by Men’s Ministry

Sabbath, Sept. 14, 2024
9:30 AM - 5:30 PM

at Piney Run Park, Pavillion #5
30 Martz Rd, Sykesville, MD 21784


Prepare for a great day of Worship, Fellowship, Food & Fun with your Church Family.

  • Sabbath School at 9:30 am
    Services Begin at 11 am (Main Service)
    Potluck at 1 pm

  • Bring your instruments and voices for a musical celebration

    This will be a full day so bring a little extra food. Possibly an entrée and dessert or salad to share.

    Lawn chairs make for a comfortable day.

    Your family, friends, and co-workers are welcome, bring them too.

    Wear comfortable clothes. Please bring sweaters, jackets & blankets in case of cool weather.

    Hiking trails, Nature Center and Lake for boating (bring your canoe or boat if you like) are available.

  • Entrance fee covered by Men’s Ministry. Let attendant know you are with the Westminster Seventh-day Adventist Church.

    Inform attendant if you are 65 y.o. or over for free admission.

    Parking at Pavilion #5, ample parking by restrooms with short walk to Pavilion. Ask attendant for directions.