Family Ministries

Who is Family
Ministries for?

We are all a part of the family of God. You are warmly welcomed here in this community regardless of your relationship or family status. Each individual contributes to the richness of our fellowship, and we value your presence among us.

What do we do?

We build community at our church by exploring the outdoors, doing community service, and simply spending time together. You can join us in Westminster, Maryland, even if you aren't a member.

Please browse through our upcoming events here on this page and ongoing initiatives like 1000 Hours Outside, or join the Facebook Group or GroupMe chat.

Shane and Amy Hochstetler
Family Ministries Leaders

Email Us

Upcoming Events

1000 Hours Outside™

This simple initiative promotes spending more time outdoors to reclaim childhood and reconnect families. Throughout the next year (September 2024 - September 2025), we’re planning to regularly encourage you and your family to take in God’s creation. We also hope to help you do this through scheduled activities that contain an outdoor component.

You can learn more about the global movement to get outside here.

Rez Christmas Packages

The Westminster Seventh-day Adventist Church is partnering with Rez Christmas Packages to bring Christmas to a child who otherwise might not get anything! Starting Sep. 21, 2024.

Facebook & GroupMe

The content in each group will largely be the same, but some prefer the capabilities of each platform. Whether you like the Facebook scroll or the direct text message, we have an online space for you that compliments our in-person activities. Each requires its own app or website login.

Membership in either the Facebook Group or GroupMe Group will require approval before you can join, but the process is easy! Click the button below to request to join.

Email & Text (SMS) Updates

Would you like text messages or email updates about family ministries? Submit your information below, and we’ll add you to our list!

We will not misuse or sell your information; you can opt out of either service at any time.